Lets`s Unite In The Circle Of Light

Healing Power of the CircleThe Circle has healing power.
 In the Circle we are all equal. 
When in the Circle, no one is in front of you and no one is behind you. 
No one is above you. 
No one is below you. 
The Sacred Circle is designed to create unity.

The Hoop of Life is also a circle. 
On this hoop there is a place for every species, every race, every tree, and every plant.
It is this completeness of Life that must be respected in order to bring about health on this planet.
To understand each other, as the ripples when a stone is tossed into the waters, the Circle starts small and grows...until it fills the whole lake.
EAST      Color – Red     Direction - Spiritual Path of Sun
SOUTH   Color  - White Direction - Natural Path of Peace
WEST      Color - Black   Direction - Physical  Path of Introspect   
NORTH  Color - Blue   Direction - Mental Path of Quiet
This clockwise circle represents the spiral of life, with the directional energy that influences it. 
The Center is for the Creator, and the Four Directions of the Universal Circle. 
The Four Directions provide guidance in understanding our behaviors and directions. 
The Directions provide us balance and we must find the harmony in relationship to all that exists in our environment.
The Four Directions also connect us with the spirit of the animals and birds as our brothers and sisters in the Universal Circle. 
In traditional teachings, the circle represents an omni-present energy that exists in the universe - which is, the never-ending 
Circle of Life.

Etiketter: kurser/workshop

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